
What is Anti-Design and Why Is It Even A Thing?

Yes, it sounds really scary and morally questionable - how could anyone go something against something that crafts beauty and improves human lives? Anti-design, however, may not be as 'anti' as you think.

Let's look at 'pro-design'. If 'pro-design' means simplicity and convenience, anti-design looks more towards the meaningful and mysterious; making memorable experiences. Convenience is typically established by the use of grids and other tools that are now standards of good design practice. But when we intentionally don't follow those standards of good design practice, the results ugly, disorienting, and complex visuals.

So if the visuals are so jarring, why would people make anti-design?

Humour - irony, inside-jokes between designers

Attention - publicity and memorability

Q. Where do you think Anti-Design works the best?


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